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Testo Industrial Services

Testo Industrial Services

More service, more security.

We are your leading service company for quality assurance and experts in the areas of calibration, test equipment management, qualification and validation. More Service, more security for your company.

With which service can we support your company?

Testo Industrial Services GmbH is one of the leading providers of metrological services for calibration and GxP services in Germany. This include calibration, test equipment management, qualification and validation. Our further services and a qualified training programme round off the service portfolio. As a subsidiary of the measuring instrument manufacturer Testo SE & Co. KGaA, we have more than 60 years of experience in measurement technology.

You can find an overview of all our services on our service portfolio page. We always have the right solution for you!

Service portfolio

 Kalibrierung von elektrischen Messgeräten 


We are one of the leading calibration laboratories in Germany and accredited for more than 300 calibration procedures according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025: 2018.

Normenkonformes, ganzheitliches Prüfmittelmanagement mit PRIMAS

Test equipment management

The PRIMAS test equipment management solution guarantees that your test equipment is reliably ready for use - at any time.

Durchführung und Dokumentation einer Reinraumqualifizierung


We support you with qualifications according to GxP standards, e.g. clean room qualification or the qualification of storage and transport systems.

V-Modell als Grundlage für die Validierung von PRIMAS validated


We test, document and secure the most important properties of processes in the GxP environment for you: reproducibility and robustness.

 DAkkS Musterzertifikat Testo Industrial Services GmbH

Certificate download

Your current calibration certificates for download. You can quickly find the current certificates of your testing and measuring equipment without registration here.

DAkkS-Akkreditierung der Testo Industrial Services GmbH

Accreditation & Certification

Testo Industrial Services has an accreditation according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 and is accredited for over 300 calibration procedures. Our claim is to provide you with the best possible service so that your processes and procedures meet the required standards. In doing so, our innovative spirit and the increasing market requirements lead us to continuously develop further. 

Eine Bewerberin im Bewerbungsgespräch.

Your future at Testo Industrial Services

Are you a real team player and looking for a varied job or an exciting apprenticeship? Find out more about Testo Industrial Services as an employer and find out about our numerous career and training opportunities.