Seminars & Practical Workshops
Are you looking for a qualified training offer on the topics of calibration, test equipment management, qualification and validation? We offer you specialized training with a high practical relevance and our instructors are experts in their fields.
Testo Industrial Services teaches you and your staff the correct way to deal with quality assurance requirements in selected workshops and training sessions and informs you about calibration, test equipment management, qualification and validation, among other things. You will be familiarized with relevant standards, guidelines and legal requirements and learn about their practical implementation. We confirm your participation with a certificate. Our workshops and training courses can also be offered on your premises as in-house training or as an online seminar. Just get in touch with us.
Seminars at a glance
You can find our seminars offered in German including dates and contents here:
We also offer our seminars in Austria and Switzerland:
In-house training & online seminars
You have the option of bringing many of our seminars directly to your company in the form of in-house training or online seminars. In this way, you can decide for yourself when and where the seminar takes place, which topics are taught and who takes part. In addition, you are welcome to coordinate content relevant to you with our speakers in advance.

Your advantages
- Tailoring the event to your specific needs
- Individual appointment arrangement
- Calibration, qualification and test equipment capability training on your equipment
- Fast qualification of new employees
- You save hotel and travel costs
- No longer downtime of your employees
- Imparting of company-specific contents
- Training certificate
Are you interested in a webinar? Find out about our current webinar offerings in German here.