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Cleanroom qualification

Testo Industrial Services offers you professional support for all GMP measures in the area of cleanroom qualification. We carry out all qualification tests in accordance with Annex 1 of the EU GMP Guide, DIN EN ISO 14644 and VDI 2083.

In addition to cleanroom qualification, our cleanroom solutions for the pharmaceutical industry and medical technology also include testing and qualification of safety cabinets, isolators and other clean air systems.

We accompany you from the conception and planning of the qualification phases (DQ, IQ, OQ, PQ), through the implementation of risk management in accordance with the requirements of ICH Q9/ EU GMP guidelines, to the maintenance services and requalification measures of your cleanrooms. We support you with individual measurements or take over the complete project management. Find out more about our services.

Energy optimization in cleanrooms

The operation of cleanrooms and clean areas has a high energy requirement due to the need for air conditioning. There may be potential for optimization in terms of energy consumption.

We are happy to support you with the GMP-compliant qualification of technical optimization solutions such as the introduction of a setback mode or the reduction of the air exchange rate. In doing so, we determine possible effects on performance parameters of the cleanrooms as well as monitoring strategies in accordance with Annex 1, contamination control strategy (CCS), the EU GMP guidelines and DIN EN ISO 14644-2.

Our service for you:

Your advantage: Our competence

  • Expertise: Consulting, measurements, project management - our industry-experienced team supports you precisely & in line with your needs
  • Technology: The use of our measuring equipment with more than 4,500 references ensures reliable measurement and test results.
  • Documentation: We hand over the documentation in the audit-proven layout or individually according to customer requirements to you personally on completion of the order.
Two qualification engineers work in the field of medical technology

Medical Technology Services

Safety and compliance in medical technology

We also implement your quality assurance measures in the areas of calibration, qualification, validation and compliance in a pragmatic, cost-sensitive and effective manner in the medical technology environment.

Get to know our services for medical technology 


Professional competence, experience and high-precision equipment. The engineers and technicians of our GxP-Services Team are on duty for you throughout Europe.

Die Fachexperten des GxP-Services-Team sind deutschlandweit für Sie im Einsatz
Seminare aus den Themengebieten Qualifizierung und Validierung von Testo Industrial Services


Our GMP-specific seminars provide you with in-depth practical knowledge on the topics of qualification and validation.

Success stories

We support you in your projects and are committed to your goals. Here you will find an excerpt from the references of our successful qualification projects in the cleanroom sector.

Mitarbeitende stehen im Reinraum mit Mundschutz

EVER Pharma Jena GmbH

Qualification of clean rooms in sterile production

Qualifizierung eines Reinraums und Produktionsanlage

Paul Hartmann AG

New cleanroom construction: project support & qualification

Durchführung einer Reinraumqualifizierung in aseptischer Herstellung

Pharma Stulln GmbH

Cleanroom qualification in aseptic production

GMP-gerechte Qualifizierung und Kalibrierung von pharmazeutischen Produktionsanlagen

At a well-known vaccine manufacturer

Qualification of pharmaceutical production facilities and cleanrooms