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News in the area of accreditation

Quality management requirements, the reliability of measurement results, and changes in standards mean that we are continuously developing. Therefore, we are constantly expanding our service portfolio for you.

Here you will always find the latest information and news in the field of accreditation of Testo Industrial Services GmbH as well as other exciting topics related to calibration.

Current extensions

All current accreditation extensions of Testo Industrial Services in the field of calibration, testing and proficiency testing can be found here at a glance.  

Prüfung von HV-Adaptern in einem Kugelbad durch einen männlichen Mitarbeiter

January 2025:
Accreditation as a testing laboratory

Testo Industrial Services is officially accredited as a test laboratory. This enables us to carry out accredited tests in the field of high voltage in accordance with DIN EN IEV 61010-031:2024-05.
Find out more.

Kalibrierung eines Bremssattels auf einer KMG

October 2024:
New accreditation certificate

Following a successful assessment, our new accreditation certificate with extensive extensions in the field of length measurement technology has arrived. Find out more.

Kalibrierung eines Wegsensors im Labor durch einen männlichen Mitarbeiter

June 2024:
New accreditation extension

Our new accreditation certificate with extension in the field of length measurement technology has arrived: With immediate effect, we are able to calibrate displacement sensors in a measuring range from 0 to 1000 mm with accreditation.

Things to know about accreditation

Stay up to date with us and be the first to find out about updated standards or new developments in accreditation. We also report here on our participation in technical committees or international events, with which we would like to make an active contribution to the future of metrology.

Dr. Christian Sander steht an einem Rednerpult und hält eine Präsentation

International Metrology Congress 2025

The International Metrology Congress (CIM) once again attracted over 650 participants from 45 countries to Lyon this year. Our Metrology Manager Dr. Christian Sander gave a technical presentation on the Digital Calibration Cabinet (DCC) and represented the competence and innovative capacity of Testo Industrial Services as a calibration laboratory in Europe.

Kalibrierung eines Klimaschranks nach Methode A mit 9 Loggern

Updating the climate cabinet standard

There is a new edition of DKD-R 5-7, which we have successfully integrated into our processes. This revision includes changes to the calibration of large climatic chambers, which lead to a reduction in time and effort.

Kalibrierung eines Drehwinkelschlüssen im Labor in Dachau

New rotation angle standards

In May 2024, the angle of rotation standards VDI/VDE/DKD 2648-1 & -2 were republished and in August 2024 the assessment of Testo Industrial Services was carried out.

Gruppenbild des VDI Fachausschusses Elektrik bei der Testo Industrial Services

Meeting of the Electrical Committee

In November 2024, the VDI Electrical Engineering Technical Committee met at Testo Industrial Services in Kirchzarten. The technical committee deals in particular with guidelines in the VDI 2622 series.

Unser Know-how


Our know-how summarized for you: In our Knowledge Center, you will find helpful know-how from our subject matter experts on all aspects of accreditation and certification. Or dive into an interesting technical article on the topic of conformity assessment.