Be a hero - blood donation & typing at Testo Industrial Services

Location: Gewerbestraße 3 in 79199 Kirchzarten
Testo Industrial Services will open their doors to all lifesavers on Thursday, September 28, 2023 between 2pm to 7pm! Donate blood and/or register for stem cell donation! The experts of the German Red Cross (DRK-Blutspendedienst Baden-Württemberg-Hesse GmbH) and the Freiburg stem cell registry (Freiburg University Hospital) will be there for you at our location in Gewerbestraße 3 in 79199 Kirchzarten (building opposite Aldi)!
All employees as well as the public from the Dreisamtal are invited. Be a hero and save lives by donating blood and typing for stem cell donation. Every donation and every typing counts! Blood donation and typing are carried out under the professional supervision of our partners. After the blood donation and/or typing, a rich buffet is of course available for refreshment in the employee bistro of Testo Industrial Services.