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Our services for your industry

With our extensive service portfolio, we serve customers from various industries. In doing so, we know the respective regulatory requirements exactly and take into account the customer-specific requirements. Read more. 

Qualifizierungsmessung zur Sicherung Ihrer GMP-Compliance


Highest standards of GMP compliance

Elektrische Kalibrierungen in Laboren


Quality assurance at the highest level

Qualifizierung und Validierung zur Sicherung Ihrer GMP-Compliance

Medical Technology

Quality assurance measures implemented pragmatically

Biotechnologische und Life-Science-Versuche in Laboren

Biotech & Life Sciences

Precision and accuracy for safe processes and products

Documentation of a risk-based warehouse qualification in the GMP area


Minimize risks, maximize efficiency

Strenge Regularien bei Energieversorger und Kraftwerke

Energy suppliers & power plants

Strict regulations for permanent safety

Kalibrierung in der Luft- & Raumfahrtbranche


Highest quality standards and absolute safety

Elektrische Kalibrierungen in Laboren

Electrical industry

Meeting requirements for consistent quality assurance

Kalibrierung für den Maschinen- und Anlagebau

Mechanical and plant engineering

Reliable measurement results for your safety

Produktion von Lebensmittel

Food industry

Producing food safely

Lebensmittel Branche


Store & transport food safely

New requirements for external laboratories

Calibration laboratories

Highly accurate calibration of reference standards

Kalibrierung von EMV-Equipment

EMC laboratories

High-precision calibration of EMC equipment

Elektrische Kalibrierung in Laboren

 Communications Engineering 

High precision calibration for your safety

Technische Dienstleister

Testing institutions / technical service providers

Highest quality for reliable test results