Calibration solutions for electromobility
Testo Industrial Services offers your company comprehensive calibration solutions for electromobility. Our accredited laboratories meet the requirements of the e-mobility sector with accuracy and precision.
We are all aware of the current changes in the automotive industry, which will continue to accompany us in the coming years. Influenced by trends such as environmental protection, urbanization and digitalization, new driving concepts and drive technologies are developing within the automotive industry. The current driver of change is primarily electromobility. Newly developed concepts and developments within the e-mobility sector are changing the requirements and demands with regard to the calibrations of relevant measuring and test equipment. Testo Industrial Services GmbH has expanded its accredited laboratories in the field of electrical measured variables and aligned them for the requirements of electromobility.
Calibration of your current transformers
Current transformers (instrument transformers) are used to measure currents and perform a wide variety of tasks. Among other things, a current transformer is capable of converting a primary current into a readily processable electrical signal, in the form of a proportional current or voltage.
At our own measuring station developed for measuring transformers we carry out full calibrations for your current transformers. We are able to carry out ISO and DAkkS calibrations:
- ISO: AC/DC maximum 4000 A at frequencies of maximum 10 kHz
- DAkkS: AC maximum 1000 A, DC maximum 4000 A at frequencies of maximum 2 kHz
In addition, we are able to calibrate non-sinusoidal dynamic waveforms by the sampling method. We achieve the required high accuracies with the help of our specially developed measurement setup, which consists of 40 kg of pure copper and has a defined cable routing. This minimizes interference effects and increases the current carrying capacity immensely. The possibility of easily dismantling the test setup and thus quickly integrating the test item into the test setup leads to an optimized calibration procedure.
Calibration of your current shunts
A shunt is an electrical low ohm resistor that can be used to measure high electrical currents in test equipment and measurement setups. A shunt generates a measuring voltage depending on the connected current.
We carry out the calibration of your current shunts on a specially designed shunt measuring station using the comparative method. During calibration, a defined current is applied to the shunt to be tested and the "indicated" current of the resistor is determined on the basis of the falling voltage in combination with the nominal value of the resistor. An alternative calibration is the determination of the resistance value of the current shunt via a measuring bridge.
Testo Industrial Services performs DAkkS calibrations at several measuring points:
- AC from 100 µA to 100 A / DC from 0 A to 1000 A
- Frequency range from 10 Hz to 10 kHz at discrete points
Calibration of power meters and analyzers
The calibration of your power measuring instruments is carried out in a direct measuring procedure via three specially equipped measuring stations with highly accurate calibrators. We can carry out DAkkS calibrations in the following measuring ranges:
- DC voltage between 10 V and 1100 V
- Current range from 0 to 1000 A DC at maximum 1000 kWs
- AC voltage between 0 and 1000 V at a maximum frequency of 1 MHz
- Current range from 0 to 100 A AC at a maximum frequency of 10 kHz.
Power range completes the consideration of active, reactive and apparent power from 50 µW/ µVar / µVA to 80 kW/ kVar / kVA at a maximum of 10kHz. The traceability of these measuring stations takes place in our in-house reference laboratory.
Calibration of your current clamps
Accurate current measurement is essential in the field of electromobility. With the help of current clamps (clamp parameters or clamp current transformers) non-contact and fast measurements of the electric current strength in a conductor are possible.
The calibration of your current clamps is done with the help of a defined reference current. The reference current can be scaled as required using flexible winding numbers to adapt the current intensity to the calibration requirement. We are able to carry out DAkkS calibrations in the following measuring ranges:
- ISO: AC/DC maximum 4000 A at frequencies of maximum 10 kHz
- DAkkS: AC maximum 1000 A, DC maximum 4000 A at frequencies of maximum 2 kHz
Calibration of energy and electricity meters
Electricity and energy meters are essential for recording the real consumption of an electric car, as they correlate directly with the battery status. Calibration of your energy and electricity meters is possible at any power factor in our accredited laboratories. We calibrate each phase of your instrument for you with high precision and low measurement uncertainty:
- Currents up to 100 A
- Voltages up to 1000 V and
- at technical frequencies up to 400 Hz.
The connection of our standards to the respective energy meter is carried out separately for current and voltage measured values. Any power and power factor can be generated by this power simulation. The energy to be measured can thus be determined via the feedback and synchronous measurement of the time in the measuring system. Here, too, any energy quantities from Wh to MWh can be calibrated by Testo Industrial Services via the scalability of the measuring time.
Battery test systems
High-voltage batteries are at the heart of an electric car and provide the energy to keep it moving. This makes extensive testing in the development phases and beyond all the more important. The high-precision measuring systems used for this purpose have several safety features such as overvoltage or overcurrent protection as well as external parameter recognition. Regular calibration of the current, voltage and resistance values for AC and DC of these devices is therefore essential. We calibrate your battery test systems and are also able to analyze dynamic parameters such as charging time and signal characteristics for you.
Measuring amplifiers and measuring modules
Measuring modules are versatile and very robust, as they are often used at high potentials and must be resistant to EMC and ESD. During the development of hybrid and electric vehicles, temperature measurements must be carried out on a wide variety of components, and measurement modules are often used here.
The calibration is very individual since each measuring module is also individually constructed. Through our many years of experience, we calibrate your measurement modules over our complete accredited measurement ranges, such as current, voltage, temperature and frequency. Furthermore, we can perform the calibration at different ambient temperatures in climatic chambers specially configured for this measurement. This is particularly relevant for measuring modules that are exposed to extreme temperatures in later use.
HV examinations
The electrical safety of high-voltage components is becoming increasingly important, not only in the field of electromobility. Uniform test procedures and services for the industry and its tools and test equipment are required.
The dielectric strength / insulation test can be carried out for you in our electrical laboratory (accredited) according to DIN 61010-31 in our ball bath. Voltage ranges up to 5 kV can be covered without any problems. In addition to measuring modules, adapters, cables and test equipment, insulation tests can be carried out for any components.
Our service
You can also take advantage of having all your other measuring instruments calibrated in our accredited laboratories. Take a look at our service portfolio and learn more about our manufacturer-independent calibrations - we are your partner for calibrations in the field of electromobility. Further information and details can be found in our current accreditation certificate.

Service portfolio
Full service for quality and safety

Flow rate
Calibration of liquids, gases, flow and volumetric flow rate

Calibration of pressure under real operating conditions in the mechanical laboratory

Calibration of temperature and humidity