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Kalibrierung von Keyence Messmikroskopen und -projektoren

Calibration of KEYENCE Measuring Systems

An exclusive partnership between Testo Industrial Services & KEYENCE - Testo Industrial Services together with KEYENCE developed an individual accredited procedure for carrying out accredited calibrations (DAkkS).

As a leading manufacturer of sensors, measuring systems, marking systems, identification systems, microscopes and vision systems, KEYENCE is a global leader in factory automation systems. KEYENCE also offers excellent after sales service. Thanks to the exclusive partnership with Testo Industrial Services, measuring systems can be calibrated to the highest quality standards. The exclusive partnership guarantees accredited calibrations with international quality standards and short downtimes through an optimised logistics concept. The scope of accreditation includes devices from the IM, VHX, VK, VR, LM and LM-X product ranges. We also carry out ISO/factory calibration for the VL product series. Further KEYENCE devices on request: info(at)testotis.de

The long standing relationship with Testo Industrial Services also guarantees you more service and more safety.

Examples of the KEYENCE calibration kit:

Your advantage: Our competence

  • Calibration of all KEYENCE measuring systems IM, VHX, VK, VR, LM and VL - unique in Germany: Returning the references to the national standard, accredited calibrations according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018, compliance with industry-specific quality standards (e.g. IATF 16949), lowest measurement uncertainties of 0.5 μm
  • Traceable ISO/factory calibration
  • Accredited calibration (DAkkS)
  • Carrying out adjustments and installing software updates
  • On-site and laboratory calibrations

More about our services

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Dimensional measurand

Calibration of length measuring equipment

Kalibrierung direkt an Ihren Anlagen

On-site calibration

Mobile technicians and engineers are on duty for you throughout Europe

Webinar-Aufzeichnung zur Unterscheidung und Wichtigkeit des Kalibrierzertifikats

Accreditation & Certification

Accreditation as calibration and testing laboratory

Kalibrierung eines Sensors in einem Tauchbecken

Service portfolio

Your partner for calibration, test equipment management, qualification and validation